FAQs + Important Info

A Scale of Canine Needs - How Do We Assess?

You might have a Labrador who has had a luxurious lifestyle since 8 weeks but is a persistent food thief or your rescue companion may have complex trauma needs that need a multi-disciplined approach. We are nothing but transparent and always refer to other experts if needed - ours is an individualised approach to canine development. Your dog is checked in as many scenarios as imaginably possible - especially important for dogs with PTSD and safety issues.

What is your approach?

Your dog isn’t a flat tyre or broken mobile phone screen. The training programmes we provide are usable for its whole life. Aspects vary over time but dogs require us to anchor them in our daily lives, especially when they are stressed and don’t know what to do. There is no guarantee future situations won’t activate your dog but getting the fundamentals down make it clear for you both.

We train, advise and support for the long-term - you make the daily difference by doing the work. This isn’t to say that one session can’t make a world of difference to helping your dog connect to how you want them to behave.

As such, we operate on blended principles - utilising science backed methods. We don’t need to scare your dog to make it behave well.

Dogs and people are unique within themselves - even with common traits in breed and personalities, they need to be managed in an agile way that works in every day life.

Can my partner/husband/kids/other dogs come to sessions?

Absolutely! Sometimes dissonance in the family unit is the root of canine behaviour problems, this is a reality. Household dynamics are complex - varying wants and needs, ideals, expectations, stresses, illness, conflict and lifestyles can cloud our clarity when dealing with dogs. Ultimately, they are simple creatures who thrive on a clear, simple way of living without a heavy emotional load. Humans have a far more complex range of emotional states than dogs - who generally work things out instinctively in the moment! Falling for puppy eyes at the dinner table and filling your dog up with human food can cause as many problems as picking up your pup because you think ‘it is scared.’ We have to smooth out the gaps between humans and dogs to make the relationship and behaviour balanced. We will manage sessions in stages to check dynamics throughout the family unit - dogs are super smart when it comes to how they can and cannot behave!