Honestly Canine

Specialist training, walking and house sitting services in Bromley, Kent

Continuum Care for Your Canine Companions…..

When dogs board and train with us, we give them everything they need to enjoy a relaxed, happy life……..gadget free……it’s a simple formula

We take care of dogs who might find kennels or busy boarding environments traumatic - high quality dog-centric care is what we do best

Our philosophy and work methods are holistic: clean, natural nutrition, plenty of time outdoors, calm indoors, simple training that makes sense to the dog with company and cuddles (if wanted).

Many dogs who come into our care co-sleep with their owners, we offer this too. Dogs loves being with their social group, we integrate them into our family and offer loving care with excellent training whilst promoting confident, companionable behaviour wherever we go.

Inspired by The Simplicity of Dogs

Honestly Canine Founder - Sarah

Sarah started Honestly Canine after noticing how many dogs had trouble understanding their humans when out walking whilst training her own (Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Irish Setter).. Rather than work solely with the traditional obedience route, Sarah developed a free flowing system: connecting with her dogs to keep them close but also allow great freedom to explore their surroundings.

She is in the final year of her BSc Canine Behaviour Management and is qualified to level 5 in dog training, welfare and handling: next stop is a Master’s degree in Anthrozoology…..it really is all about the human-canine relationship.

By understanding the dog as an individual, their historic role in our lives and studying their behaviour, motivations and psychology - Sarah has had many successes in transforming dogs simply from regular walking sessions!

The big question she always asks herself when there is a problem with the dog…..

How can I adapt my behaviour and emotional tone so that the dog understands me?

Dogs can make great decisions for themselves, if the human creates a calm environment that makes sense to them…..the simple genius they possess is one of life’s great wonders.

It is incredible how much transfers to a dog when they are handled and cared for in ways that make sense to them. It can take anything from a few hours to a few days or weeks for a dog to relax, settle and be attentive enough to behave in a companionable way. Once the dog is in this state of relaxed calm, we can work with human reactions and responses. The reality is such that dogs are easy to rehabilitate (to certain degrees), their minds do not grip onto emotional events and difficulties in the same way ours do. Humans respond to dogs in ways that only serve to confuse: misplaced comfort, frustration, talking, explaining, shouting etc are human reactions….irrelevant in the canine world.

Services Offered:

  • Daycare and Train

  • Board and Train

  • House Sitting (Cleaning and Gardening Service Options)

  • Socialisation

  • Walking

  • Transport

  • T-Touch and Reiki - Calming Complementary Therapies

  • Raw and Natural Feeding Protocols

We provide high quality canine care for all breeds, needs, ages, shapes and sizes….although the majority of our customers are medium to large breeds and working types.

Support and care for dogs who experience difficulties with:

  • Other dogs

  • Children

  • Humans

  • Noise

  • Impulse control

  • Anxiety, fear

  • Confidence in and outdoors

  • Understanding commands

  • Recall

Exercise - dogs love being outdoors! They don’t self-employ too well if they aren’t confident and well-adjusted to their human and the environment.

Top-of-the-search engine generic guides can give inaccurate advice about exercise requirements….for all breeds and types.

Even if they’re not running around like adolescent puppies, hanging about in the open air with a calm human is what they live for…..

Socialisation - Dogs crave novelty, they need to be around their own kind - there are many ways to allow dogs interactions with others…..without problems occurring

We work in the real world - paying great attention to the dog’s cues and body language

Training - There are so many ways to train a dog! We help them with attention and calm, dangling a piece of chicken in front of a stressed dog’s nose is about as effective as a coffee mug made out of chocolate

Food - we cook fresh food for training - roasted meats, lightly steamed offal, coconut oil lures on the hands. We teach dogs not to snap for treats (they don’t get fed if they can’t eat politely, they quickly learn),

Long-term change: some problems can be worked out in a few hours, others such as resource guarding and fear of children take time. The longer it takes to work out a problem the better sometimes, this means we are thoroughly getting to know the dog and all their quirks/traits. Rescue dogs often peel away layers as they become more confident, the one who quietly tucked its tail away for 6 months may become a herding menace when the fear mask dissolves! Patience builds trust, there’s no need for force or authoritarian exertions. Body language, correct use of the voice, food, work and toys are key to canine wellbeing.

Our job is to teach a way of calm, connection, understanding - we can live together in harmony. Dogs decided that was going to be the case circa 10,000 years ago!

The Proof is in The Pudding………..dogs return home from stays with us calm, attentive and tired (in a good way)

We cultivate co-operation

We also teach classic dog training skills

3 Days - 3 Weeks - 3 Months…….3 Years

3 is the magic number! You will see instant wins with your dog when you work with us. We have had young dogs with basic training needs come on our exercise programme and return to their owners as better citizens. When we are clear in our body language, vocal intonation, timing and action - the dog will get it, everything will be easier.

We have worked with dogs who have trauma written all over their behaviours but neuroplasticity is on our side! In the same way humans can take care of their problems with compassion and clarity, so can we assist our canine friends.

We Integrate Our Knowledge and Understanding of Dogs to Help Humans Enjoy Their Lives Together

Creating trust and calm is the most important step to rehabilitating canine problems.

It is an individualised process - we assess each dog and work out what they need to help owners succeed in their efforts

First Class Owner Support

We blend the best of human psychology with canine behavioural knowledge

House Sitting

Cleaning and gardening services offered as well as canine care

DBS clear adults


Reiki and T-Touch calming treatments

Nutritional protocols - natural, raw and lightly cooked food


Pack walks, socialisation programmes, re-learning of missed skills


  • From £50 per night

    Gardening services from £30 per hour

    Cleaning services from £25 per hour

  • Group walks from £15

  • From £250

  • From £60 per night (basic behavioural cases)

  • From £45 per day (basic needs)